Thursday, March 11, 2010

Many a Sandwich...

Many a sandwich there have been...

Y'see, Just as someone believes that Peanut butter and Jelly on white bread is the best sandwich in all the lands...a new entrepreneur steps in and says, "You got it all wrong, Dartanion...It's all about Turkey on Dutch Crunch!" Truly this is the cosmic shame of life...but then again you already knew that or you wouldn't be reading this.

-A reading from Jared to the Subway Customers...


  1. Finally!
    A Blog where we can talk about sandwiches! Turkey Bacon Club for life baby! I love going to the sandwich store. It's the only place I can command a woman to "go make me a sandwich" without getting tazed.

  2. I like Avocado & Roast Beef Sandwiches! They are good for those long nights of getting kicked out of Left 4 Dead ;-P
